It's been a while since I shared a Saladmaster recipe. In case you don't know yet, I partnered up with my sis-in-law Juvvy 2 years ago so we can buy a Saladmaster cooking set for ourselves. The set was a very expensive one, but we managed to fit it into our budgets by splitting the items in the set, thus splitting the cost too. We got 3 items each. Since then, I've been ... READ MORE
The Good Stuff #4
Only four (4) more days to go and it's Christmas! I hope you are all done with your Christmas gift shopping! As for me, I'm done with the shopping and gift wrapping! I'm actually just relaxing here at home since last Thursday - the start of my mandatory leave from the office. I'll be back in January na (yey!). Since then, I've been cleaning every nook of our apartment, ... READ MORE
Baked Yogurt Parmesan Chicken (a melt-in-your mouth chicken dish)
This was our fantabulous chicken dinner last night, paired with pesto macaroni pasta: You all know my not-so-secret-anymore recipe for the pesto pasta (check it out here!) and as I forgot to stock on pasta noodles, we just bought whatever we could find at the supermarket. The smallest pack available happened to be the macaroni noodles, thus the awkward noodles + pesto ... READ MORE
Why I will love Bounty Fresh Chicken’s Top Torikatsu
To say that I like chicken katsu is an huge understatement. I LOVE this dish and it's on top of my favorite Japanese dishes. My favorite katsu, so far, is the Chicken Katsu Set from the House of Yabu. This is my signature order, and I always look forward to enjoying their panko-coated chicken breast that's very tender and juicy inside, and dipped in their signature katsu ... READ MORE