Just when I thought I have given my wallet a breather by not actively looking for teacups to buy, I saw a Lomonosov teapot being sold in a group selling site at Facebook. I immediately recognized the design as the "Bridesmaid" (or "Baskets") pattern that was first introduced in the '70s, and combines the following trademark designs of Lomonosov: the fishnet (but ... READ MORE
Our Union Jack Storage Chest
Hello folks! How are you liking my new blog design? I'm so excited to tell you all about it - the design process (thanks to my angel, Patricia of Fancy Girl Designs), the joy (and stress!) of moving to a self-hosted blog (with tips to Wordpress users) and my plans for The Bright Spot. In the meantime, please indulge me while I show off our fabulous find at Greenhills 2 ... READ MORE