I really have no patience when it comes to bags =).
I’ve been lusting over a satchel bag these past weeks but I’ve yet to place my order for the handmade satchel bag from Ms. Frances of Topaz Horizon.
So while that is in the works, I couldn’t help but buy this Mulberry Alexa-inspired bag at Cash and Carry (priced real cheap):
It’s a good replica of a Mulberry Alexa bag, shown below in its real, original and authentic form:
There’s no way I could afford this bag, priced at £875.84 in Net-A-Porter. But you could very well see the difference between the real thing and its replica. I think the one I got is not a perfect copy of the original Mulberry Alexa and that’s kinda good because this is just a test bag.
I am really liking this temporary satchel bag, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the handmade one! I missed carrying long-strapped shoulder bags. For the longest time I’ve been carrying tote bags and other big, roomy bags because I am used to carrying my whole room in my bag hehe. But I have to compartmentalized my things and carry only the essentials now because AJ and I go out for short errands nowadays there’s no reason for me to bring my whole room.
More on my bag collection in my future posts =)
where in C&C and how much?
hi there! great buy on this bag. I’ve been trying to look for an everyday satchel too and the alexa is a good style for it. Was just wondering how much you bought it for and where exactly in cash did you get it? malapit lang kasi sa office so I can drop by and have a look. thanks! 🙂
where in C&C and how much?
hi there! great buy on this bag. I’ve been trying to look for an everyday satchel too and the alexa is a good style for it. Was just wondering how much you bought it for and where exactly in cash did you get it? malapit lang kasi sa office so I can drop by and have a look. thanks! 🙂
Re: where in C&C and how much?
Hi Katherine, thanks for liking the bag. I bought it at the Apple Cider Store, 3rd floor, C&C. It’s less than P2,000 =) The leather is good – it’s soft and not too heavy.
this site too sells very cheap mulberry alexa replica bags bought one and its super pretty and made with leather pa :)less than 2k also